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The practice oriented development of organizational culture makes it possible for workers to communicate and operate fully in line with these values and also for the leadership to stand for them. This also means a convergent power which gives movement to successful operation. By setting missions the organization stipulates what to reach; by the practice oriented development it answers how to realize them. We make you partners in this process in order to make your organizational values and mission statement powerful, unambiguous and worthy of trust. Besides cooperating on mission statements, we support the organization to turn these into a reality.

We are your partners in strategic planning, sculpting mission statements and future visions. After that we help to formulate the essential factors for accomplishing the strategy, and drawing up strategic aims and actions. We also provide the interpretation of strategic alternatives, forming stakeholder-analysis and assumption systems, and also working out ways of measurement.

The present pandemic situation makes the reconfiguration and optimalization of key processes all the more essential. Hereby the organization reinvigorates itself, which is the key to success: we are your professional partners in this renewing process. Our prepared consultants create recommendations about the reconfigurating processes based on previous evaluations and the consent of the client. This covers the verification of the leading and operating structures, the supervision of financial fields, the exploration of resources, efficacy and connection of processes, and the observation of managerial, administrative, decisive and IT solutions.

During digitalization switch and development the organization creates a superior and automatized unity of machines, data, processes and people. This procedure is inevitable in organizational life, without this switch there is no future. Organizational change represents the challenge in this procedure. While working out the digitalization strategy we have to touch upon every concerned participant and process and their identification. Moreover, we have to observe the maturity of the organization and what effects the change may bring about. It is necessary to support the process with tools of change management. The experienced consultants of ours help this complex switching process. The Digi HR line of business deals with the digitalization of HR.

Leadership programs and trainings promote beginner and advanced managerial skills. Because of the pandemic, nowadays leaders have to manifest themselves as successful, trustwhorthy and supportive leaders in addition to showing their professionalism and experience. We are your partners in improving these competencies: an elaborated syllabus can be found under Soft skill trainings.

Competency development and talent nurture are two fields that are indispensable for maintaining a great labour force and efficient performance. Our prepared consultants make a recommendation along targets for creating competency development and talent nurture systems after positions paper.

Coaching supports leaders, colleagues, teams and groups within the organization to implement new skills and habits, by which they can live a happier, more successful and more harmonious life. Coaching is not the same as consulting: it is a type of cooperation that supports individuals and groups to delve their intrinsic resources and to find their own solutions. Their self-knowledge and skills are improved by this process.

We provide skill-improving individual, team or group events for leaders and colleagues. A coaching cycle consists of 4 to 12 sessions along a skill-improving path.

In individual coaching, competency development can be focused on the sole participant.

In a course of group coaching, we work together with the team for the development of the same competency, for example the 5 main competencies of a group.

The aim of team coaching is improving the everyday work of a team using coaching methods.

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