A szülőség és a munka-magánélet egyensúlyának megtalálása mindig is kihívást jelentett, de a mai világban, ahol a munka és a család igényei egyre inkább összeolvadnak, ez a...
What is organization development for us? – To make the change permanent, measurable and visible!
This is where we support the organization, whereby importance is laid on effective change management, development and cooperation among the colleagues. Organizations are complex systems where the system elements interact with each other. Harmonized operation results in efficiency, good cooperation and success. The business strategy, the organizational structure and hierarchy, the production technologies, the IT systems and processes represent the hard part of the organization. The soft elements are the colleagues who work there, together with their expertise, the organizational skills, the typical management and cooperation style, the common values and the organizational culture. Being the partner of practical knowledge, we support your organization in effective development and change management.
Organization diagnostics – systematization and assessment, planning the development points
Development – organization, process, management and competence development, coaching