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Practice oriented soft skill improvement for IT and project leaders. We aim to improve the competencies that are needed for successful leadership and high quality performance.

Our evaluated trainers provide skill-improving trainings. We recommend this for those leaders who would like to make their team more efficient and cooperative.

This can happen when:


  • a new leader or teammate joins
  • you (we?) want to empower teamwork and solidarity
  • the cooperation is inefficient
  • it helps to create cooperation fast when starting the project
  • we would like to make the team cooperate efficiently
  • we would like to empower the leader’s role

Represent your interests effectively and productively!

Useful if:

  • we want the project leader take our recommendations into consideration
  • we would like to communicate more efficiently in conflicts
  • productivity of discussions should be raised by more tools
  • we want to ensure trustworthy communication and that people are accepted

Get to know the foregrounds of damaging conflicts to deal with them efficiently! Prevent harmful stress and avoid burnouts!

Useful if:

  • we would like to amend conflict management within the organization
  • someone is close to burnout
  • coworkers operate under great pressure and need stress relief
  • You have to deal with projects under great pressure

Useful if:

  • You work with clients and trust is important
  • fast and efficient team building is important
  • building trust with clients or coworkers is extremely important (same as first?)
  • coworker need to represent the organization’s good reputation
  • improving organizational values is a priority

To handle making mistakes during work properly. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes!

Useful if:

  • it is important for the worker to take responsibility for mistakes and handle them well
  • work schedule is tough and there is a big possibility of mistakes being made
  • we would like to handle problems arising from making a mistake thoughtfully
  • we would like to create an atmosphere where mistakes are handled correctly

How can one focus on their aims while multitasking?

Offered for:

  • more efficient realization of organizational targets
  • achieving project goals
  • improving the efficacy of coworkers
  • improving the achievement of organizational and team goals

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