Interkulturális menedzsment és kommunikáció – Mesterkurzus
A hands-on workshop to learn from the best international companies!
In this workshop we will show you the best existing models for inter-cultural communication and people management.
We will also practice how you can use them and review dozens of personal ”case anecdotes” to illustrate every point.
You will learn how to turn understanding of hidden cultural differences to your advantage – in business and also personally.
- Do you know how to sell your ideas to your American boss? How to build an efficient team with people
from 15 different countries? How to manage your Chinese suppliers and Indian IT workers? Why you
should never ask your German business partner for an estimate? - Do you know how people from other cultures see you and why this is important? Are you aware of the
”cross-cultural hygiene factors” and how to use them in selecting, motivating, leading your people? Can
you easily switch between high-context and low-context communication to fit your audience? - Do you know how you need to handle daily cultural conflicts in today’s interconnected ”global village”?
- In today’s increasingly international, cross border, cross cultural work environment having the answers
to the above may make the difference between successful leaders and ”management drop-out”s.
(A képzés angol nyelven zajlik, de az előadó anyanyelvi szinten beszél magyarul is.)